martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015
Sistema Reproductor Masculino
Nuestra última evaluación de biología, fue de una forma distinta. Estudiando el sistema reproductor masculino, hicimos un thinglink explicando todas sus partes y funciones. Les comparto mi tranajo. Lo hice con Camila
miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015
jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015
Les repas
Aprés le travail sur les aliments et les boissons, nous proposons des dialogues au restaurant et nous cherchons des informations sur des restaurants de Paris.
miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015
El tema que usamos este año en rte fue identidad. Creé un power point con todos los trabajos del año.
Do young people help the environment?
In language we had to write an essay on this statement : "Unfortunately, young people are not interested in helping the Environment."
Currently, the Environment is suffering a lot due to human acts. Global warming and pollution are increasing year after year; this is damaging us, likewise the whole planet.
"Teenagers nowadays are not interested in protecting the environment". That's what many people think but I cannot support the view that all of them don't care about It. In fact Many adolescentes are part of helping organizations. Also adults take a really important role in polluting, specifically in air pollution when they use their cars.
I fully support the idea that if children are aware of the environmental protection, they'll care of it. However I strongly disagree with the fact that everyone talks about the topic but nobody does anything in order to solve it. In contrast there are Many organizations that help the environment, similar to the way Green Peace cooperates.
It isn't difficult to start helping nature, we can begin by sepearing the rubbish. Something it can indeed sound strange although it'a a good way of starting. I'm in agreement to start changing the world. What about you?
Camila and Jimena.

Currently, the Environment is suffering a lot due to human acts. Global warming and pollution are increasing year after year; this is damaging us, likewise the whole planet.
I fully support the idea that if children are aware of the environmental protection, they'll care of it. However I strongly disagree with the fact that everyone talks about the topic but nobody does anything in order to solve it. In contrast there are Many organizations that help the environment, similar to the way Green Peace cooperates.

Life of Pi
In ELT with Alejandra Muslera we watched the movie "Life of Pi", then in language we wrote about a one of the main topics in the movie.
In the film "Life of Pi" survival is the main topic. He has to live the experience of facing the ocean after his ship sank due to a strong thunderstorm. He is on the boat. However, he's not alone, he is with one of the animals of his father's zoo, a tiger called Richard Parker.
Despite the boat is small and unsafe, it has a survival kit. In order to convive with Richard, he followed the instructions of the safety book. It's a difficult job because of the tiger's temper. As he is wild and he's roraring and snorling all daylong, it makes it impossible for Pi to survive. In addition, Pi also has to face strange climate conditions.
Although it is a terrible situation, he is very optimistic and he continues trying to train the tiger to survive.

Pi with Richard Parker in the boat
Pi facing a storm in the boat
miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015
Prevenir es curar
En la clase de Biologia trabajamos con el concepto de Vih-Sida. Para esto vimos un afiche con el cual tuvimos que realizar una actidad. Les comparto mi trabajo.
Luego de
observar el afiche, pudimos entender el
significado del título. Este quiere
decir que está en nuestras manos, es decir que depende de nosotros y es nuestra
responsabilidad cuidarnos al momento de tener relaciones sexuales. Como podemos
ver en el afiche, hay un mashup de imágenes que simbolizan en amor, el mundo,
el cuidado, los géneros (masculino y
femenino), las manos, la lucha, la pareja y el embarazo. Estas juntas forman un
preservativo, un método anticonceptivo muy importante que puede salvarnos de
muchas enfermedades de transmisión sexual, como por ejemplo en VIH-sida.
Con las palabras que considere más importantes de el párrafo anterior, creé esta nube de tags.
Con las palabras que considere más importantes de el párrafo anterior, creé esta nube de tags.
sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2015
En la clase de Biología empezamos con un tema nuevo, VIH. Para esto vimos un video y debimos contestar las siguientes preguntas.
- ¿Qué es ONUSIDA?
- ¿Cuáles son los objetivos que proponen?
- ¿A qué refiere el título de esta entrada?
1. El ONUSIDA, El Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobre el VIH/SIDA, aúna los esfuerzos y recursos de diez organizaciones del sistema de las Naciones Unidas para la respuesta mundial al SIDA. La Secretaría del ONUSIDA tiene su sede en Ginebra y lleva a cabo sus actuaciones sobre el terreno en más de 75 países. (Fuente consultada:
2. El ONUSIDA tiene tres objeetivos:
- Que el virus no se prolongue más
- Que no se discrimine a las personas con Sida
- Que no haya más muertos
3. El título de la entrada, "Lleguemos a Cero", se refiere a que en el mundo haya cero
discriminación por Sida, cero muertes por Sida, cero infección.
lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015
Barreras de defensa
En la clase de Biologia estuvimos trabajando con el concepto 'inmunidad'. Luego hicimos diversos trabajos. Les comparto el que hicimos con Camila sobre barreras defensivas.
Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.
Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.
viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015
In Literture we read the short story "Billenium" nd we did the analysis. After that, we did a power point with all the analysis. I did it with Camila.
domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015
For my sort of granny baby sitting
In the literature class we worked with Stabat Mater (Sam Hunt) and For My Grandmother Knitting (Liz Lochhead) and as a final task we had to write one. Here you have mine.
For my sort of granny baby sitting
She is my aunt, but worked as a granny
Old since I was born
But strong like a rock
Taking care of me
Since a baby I was
Singing funny songs
To make my dreams work
Helping with my homework
Either spring or autumn
As an angel, she taught me to live
Elsa, example of effort
Still dedicates her life to me
Despite she is tired now.
Literary devices:
Auditory image
domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015
La Aldea
En la clase de lengua vimos la película "La Aldea". Luego de hacer el análisis de ella, trabajamos con el concepto de focalización y debimos buscar dos escenas de la película en donde se muestren los diferentes tipos de focalización.
Es un término del análisis de la escritura narrativa. Corresponde al grado de información que el narrador posee respecto a los sucesos de una historia.
Focalización interna:
El grado de conocimiento de la voz narrativa es parcial o limitado. En este caso, la narración se genera desde el punto de vista de algún personaje, por lo que los hechos son contados desde su propia experiencia. A esta categoría pertenecen los narradores protagonista y testigo. Si el texto es narrado varias veces, desde distintos puntos de vista, la focalización es interna múltiple. Puede ser fija, variable o múltiple.

Esta escena es una ejemplo de focalización interna porque la narración se genera desde el punto de vista de Lucius Hunt, protagonista de la película. La cámara esta situada a la altura de sus ojos y crea la sensación de que es el quien esta mirando hacia los mayores de la aldea.
Focalización externa:
El grado de conocimiento de la voz narrativa es menor al de los personajes. En este caso, el narrador no es capaz de acceder a la interioridad de los personajes, por lo que los hechos son contados de una manera "objetiva", o ajena a todo punto de vista. El narrador sólo describe lo que ve y oye (sin pertenecer a la historia), análogo a una cámara de vídeo. A esta categoría pertenecen los narradores equisciente y deficiente.

Esta parte de la película, es un ejemplo de focalización externa ya que no es desde el punto de vista de ninguno de los personajes. En esta parte se muestra a todos los personajes y solo se describe lo que todos ven y oyen.
martes, 14 de julio de 2015
Empathic Task
In Literature we made the analysis of "Games at Twilight". So we had to write an empathic task as if we were Ravi or Raghu. I choose Ravi. I share my work.
I can't believe what's happening to me. I
can’t explain how bad, insignificant and horrible I feel. Even if I told you,
you would never understand or feel the same. It’s something unpleasant. Do you
understand that my family forgot me? My mother alike, the person who is
supposed to love me a lifetime. The woman who gave me birth, my heroine.
Because I can understand it from my siblings, nevertheless it hurt me a lot;
they are adolescent who just want to have fun and play. On the other hand, what
I can't understand is how they didn't realise someone was missing. Not even me,
Ravi, is missing, but someone. I can’t continue like this. They make me feel I’m
not part of the family. Yes, my own family ignores me. I can’t believe how the
people who lives with me and spend all day long together with me since I was
born forgot me hidden. I would never wish you to go through this. Right now I
feel alone, I think nobody loves me. Am I doing something wrong? Do they do
this because I did something to them? Actually I don’t know, however I would
like to know it someday.
jueves, 2 de julio de 2015
Games at Twilight
In Literture, we worked with the story "Games at Twilight" by Anita Desai. We made the analisys and created a power point. I share mine.
lunes, 29 de junio de 2015
Loco por amor
En prácticas del lenguaje tuvimos que hacer un storify
basado en ¨Un veneno saludable¨ y en los tweets que publicamos de citas del
libro. Para esto, debimos modificar la historia original creando otra nueva. Lo hice con Camila.
Este es nuestro storify.
miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015
In class we read about how to write reports so we had to do a piktochart summarizing the idea. Here I show you our work. I worked with Camila.
miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015
Writing short stories
In the language class, we read the theory for writing short stories. with that information we made a chart including important points to take into account when writing one. Here I upload my chart. I worked with Camila.
We also had to write the following chapter of a story we read. I wrot it with Valen. Here you can read it.
We also had to write the following chapter of a story we read. I wrot it with Valen. Here you can read it.
After Youseff finished school, he joined university. He started to study to be an actor.
On his first day he was very nervous. Despite being nervous, he could make a lot of friends.
All in all, he returned home hapilly. His mom was waiting for him to talk about his first day.
Youseff's mother asked him:
-"How was your first day?"
Youseff answered:
-"It had been great! I loved it. Firstly I was scared. However, people there are so cool!"
Both thee mother's eyes an mouth were two bright and shiny stars in a calm and warm night. She didn't want to cry. Neverthless, she did so.
Many years later, he graduated as an actor. He was so good as an acto that he had many job offers. He had to decide wether to to work in Broaway or Hollywood. He decided to work in Broadway, therefore, he had to leave his mom alone.
He started to be succesfull fue to the fact that he was the sun of the theatre, brillant an unique in his work.
One day Youseff was working during an ordinary day. Meanwhile, his mother was travelling to visit his son when she had a terrible accident that killed her,
Although Youseff was sad, he continued with his life and he became a prosperous and famous man.
Ideas to improve your informal email
In Language we had to read about informal emails. And then, we made a chart summarising the text. Here I show you ours. I worked with Camila.
We also wrote an email. Here you have the one I did with Camila.
From: Sophie
To: Tom
Subject: Creating a blog.
Hi Tom,
Very well! And you? Well, I´m studying a lot. I´m very tired.
Yes! Of course I remember. I think the you want teenagers to read it, you should write about books, films, sports, soap operas and put on teenagers shoes. You can also write tips and pieces of advice at the time of studying.
Currently I´m workingt on an online newspaper, I do the design part. Sure!! I´ll help you with the design of the work. We can arrange a date and we talk through skype so I show you my ideas.
About the printer, I advice you to buy it in Garbarino. Things there are cheap and they´re good quality.
Good luck,
We also wrote an email. Here you have the one I did with Camila.
From: Sophie
To: Tom
Subject: Creating a blog.
Hi Tom,
Very well! And you? Well, I´m studying a lot. I´m very tired.
Yes! Of course I remember. I think the you want teenagers to read it, you should write about books, films, sports, soap operas and put on teenagers shoes. You can also write tips and pieces of advice at the time of studying.
Currently I´m workingt on an online newspaper, I do the design part. Sure!! I´ll help you with the design of the work. We can arrange a date and we talk through skype so I show you my ideas.
About the printer, I advice you to buy it in Garbarino. Things there are cheap and they´re good quality.
Good luck,
Tips to write an article
In the Language class we worked with the writing theory and practice of articles. We made two charts with tips to kown how to write it. Here you have them. I did them with Camila
We also wrote an article about learning foreign languages. I share you mine.
We also wrote an article about learning foreign languages. I share you mine.
Now a days, is very common and necessary to learn a foreign language. Studying a new language brings many advantages in life.
There are many advantages when you know a different language. You can have the opportunity of working or studying abroad, you can communicate with people from other countries, such as going to the super market while you are travelling in another country.
Other advantages that can help you if you study, travel, work or live in another country is that you are abel to do everything you want in your daily life without any difficulty. You can understand the country's cultures, traditions and signs. This makes your life, travel, etc easier and enjoyable.
Althought is not easy, to learn a second language is very helpful. Would you try it?
We searched on the internet an article we thought it was interesting. We read it and we wrote a summary. Here you have my article and the summary I did.
This is an article from the online newspaper called Herald.
The article is about a blind dog, who lived in Alaska, and got lost in Febraury 6th when the temprature dipped to 40 degrees below 0. It also says what his owner expected to find or do if someone find it.
Luckily after two weeks the dog was found alive. So, the owner rewarded the man who did it and he is now happy at home with his dog.
The article also mentions another case of a blind dog lost and it's happy ending.
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015
Estudiamos a nuestro eje, el sistema ósteo
En la clase de biología fuimos al laboratorio y en grupo hicimos una disección a un fémur de vaca cortado a lo largo. Fotografiamos desde distintos ángulos las fotos y luego con el programa de edición de fotos, Skitch, reconocimos las distintas partes del hueso y las señalamos. Conmigo trabajaron Delfina Uquizu, Valenina Muguelar, Martina Safronchik y Camila Kos. Les comparto el trabajo realizado.
domingo, 29 de marzo de 2015
Homeostasis guardiana del equilibrio
En la clase de Biología trabajamos con los conceptos de homeostasis y modelo general de la regulación. Para esto, hicimos un texto explicativo de estos conceptos y su relación. Comparto mi trabajo.
modelo general de la regulación funciona de la siguiente manera: los estímulos
son captados por los receptores del organismo. Estos receptores “transportan”
dichos estímulos mediante vías de conducción sensitivas como los nervios del
sistema nervioso periférico. Cuando llegan
a los moduladores, estos interpretan la información sensitiva y elaboran una
respuesta. La respuesta es transmitida a través de las vías de conducción motora
en la cual interviene el sistema nervioso periférico hacia los efectores, los
cuales efectúan las órdenes elaboradas por los moduladores. Es así como se
producen las respuestas adaptativas, que son aquellas las que permiten
conservar la homeostasis.
es el equilibrio. Los sistemas nervioso y endocrino funcionan como un sistema
integrador que regula y controla
funciones para estar en homeostasis. El sistema nervioso es el encargado de
regular y controlar las funciones cognitivas conscientes o inconscientes y las
funciones motrices.
modelo general de la regulación depende del sistema nervioso. Es a través de
este sistema que los estímulos son transmitidos, procesados y la respuesta a
los mismos es devuelta para mantener el equilibrio del organismo.
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