lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

El cobre

En físico química estuvimos trabajando con la tabla periódica y sus elementos. Después, tuvimos que elegir uno y hacer una presentación. Acá les dejo la mía.

Acá les dejo algunas imágenes de cosas que encontré en mi casa que tenían cobre.

Cable pelado:

Olla para Fondue:

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014

Summary of a movie

In Em-History writing we had to choose a movi an write a summary. Here you can read mine.

The film was published in May 2014.
The film is about the maleficent of the story of “Sleeping Beauty”. This person had been in love with a boy during her adolescence, and when she grew up she realized that her former boyfriend was a king. This king was living in the town, he was married and he had a baby. So as maleficent was jealous of the baby called Aurora, she charmed the baby.
Maleficent saw Aurora growing up. Maleficent never said it, but, she started loving the baby. Finally, the day when the spell should be done, Aurora fall asleep and only a real love kiss would save her. They brought a prince to kiss her but there was no effect. After that, Maleficent kissed Aurora and she woke up. The prince’s kiss didn’t have any effect on Aurora because that love wasn’t real, but Maleficent’s love to Aurora was real so the kiss on the forehead saved her. Finally they lived together forever.  

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

Intervención: Autorretrato

Luego de intervenir el colegio, en la clase de Tic's y Prácticas del lenguaje, tuvimos que intervenir una foto de nosotros agregándole capas con fotos de la intervención en el colegio. Para esto utilizamos Pixlr como herramienta principal y aplicando diferentes técnicas terminamos nuestro trabajo. Aquí les comparto mi trabajo.

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

Review: Maleficent

In Em-History writing we worked with reviews. So, as a final task, we had to choose a movie, Maleficent in my case, and write a review about it. Here you have my review.


Maleficent, by Linda Woolverton, is a superb movie. It is based on the fairy tale Sleeping beauty. The story takes place in the woods near a village where the king lives and it happens in the middle ages. Although the movie is based on a fairy tale, it has lots of fascinating parts which make people from all ages enjoy it.

The story begins when maleficent casts a spell on the king´s baby. After that, the king´s baby is sent to live to the woods. Although the baby is far away from  the palace, she has to be alert because maleficent can hurt her. The myterious part is when the day in which the spell has to be done comes and the girl goes to the palace. Something unexpected happens.

The script is amusing. The film has very entertaining moments and some moving ones. It has a lovely and unexpected ending. The cast is excellent too.

I highly recommend Maleficent. It is a fantastic movie. Don´t miss it! It is well worth seeing!


viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

Población Americana: Estados Unidos

En la clase de Geografía trabajamos sobre la diversidad cultural. Para esto debimos hacer un trabajo práctico que tenia como objetivo determinar esas diferencias culturales y demográficas de algunos países de América. En mi caso, junto a Camila Kos, tuvimos que realizar el video sobre Estados Unidos. Acá les comparto mi trabajo.